I wrote this in 2014, and was reminded of it today. As I approach the release of my 4th novel, I thought it was a fitting reminder for me, and even that much more with this next novel being so firmly planted in the journey of Hope and Love.

“HOPE is our greatest bond and our most common companion.

Ever since I was a little boy I've always looked to the stars for that ONE; that one star blazing across the night sky, right in my moment of pleading to be noticed.

I've always felt as though I was missing pieces, and that my intention wasn't meeting my purpose. Whether it was my environment or circumstance or simply growing pains, I've spent a lot of my life feeling somewhat lost and it's never helped that I kept missing that one shooting star, meant for me, acknowledging my being. What I've learned though, is that if we listen closely, from within, from our heart, from our soul, our spirit, the universe is always talking and it's always doing its best to guide us to where we belong; the moment.

The number 15 has been with me since I was young; on the back of my jersey, on my number plate, on the door of an apartment in a movie...really just anywhere I could fit it in or it could jump out at me. It was everywhere and it belonged to ME. It took me a long time and a lot of heartache and discomfort to finally understand that sometimes the universe can't just give us that shooting star right when we need to see it, nor can it pick us up from the collar of our shirt and drop us where we bleed to belong; but what it can do, is give us the number 15.

The number 15 took on a whole other meaning once I realized this. I still see it everywhere, anywhere, and it always feels warm, it feels right, and most of all, it feels like I've been noticed; and the beautiful thing is, I don't need the clear night sky in order to see it.

I have since started my own brand and publishing company by the name of 'Fifteen for HOPE', where I will always feel noticed, filled with love, and most of all, full of HOPE.

We are always where we are meant to be; the proof is in the moment. Bless.”