Be bold. Bare your fucking soul. Stop pretending like we have all of this time to heal and show yourself to the Universe. Strip down, turn inside-out and heave yourself into the pits of vulnerability. Fuck this world, and fuck every single person that has made you feel lesser than or too scared to unfold; they are the real cowards, they are the ones battling the darkness and fears of the truth in their judgements of Self, and like you, their day will come when they can’t hide from themselves any longer. Rise up! You are worthy! You are not easy to walk away from, you are worth fighting for, so fuck every last person that ever gave up on you or made you feel like you weren’t worth the time or energy that it takes to Love someone. You know how to Love, so Love yourself, and Love the world around you with every fiber of your being and leave no one un-touched. Once in a lifetime. That’s what the fuck you are. Go. BE THAT! And be kind on your way.